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Trips Back in 'Wine Time'

Wine is a wonderfully complex beverage, one that ages wonderfully with time.  We find a bottle, place it in our cellar and finally open this vintage bottle after ten years of ageing.  Wines such as these are usually kept for those special occasions with friends and family on a Christmas Eve or another celebration.  When we open these bottles, we are reminded of the year that it was first placed in the cellar and the memories that go with it.  The same is true with bottles of wine we have had on special occasions, we tend to remember the label and buy to have on hand just because of the time we shared & memories we made.

This act is eloquently noted by the dinner party’s George Balling’s, "Remembering ‘Why’ You Like A Wine"

“buy just a couple of extra bottles while they are still available, find a special storage spot and do your best to forget about them for a while. For all wine lovers these trips to the ‘library’ provide some of the great opportunities to re-connect with some of our old favorites and confirm the memories and choices we made earlier in our wine experience”

Drinking a glass of wine that has been kept for so many years takes you through the wine’s life of ageing, fully engulfing its flavors as you sip.  You and your guests will surely enjoy the whole experience of tasting this wine along with the atmosphere it brings to your evening.

You may have bottles of wine that have been aging in your cellar for years, if so what a perfect time to open, pour and create new memories with your friends.  Also, remember to put a new bottle in its place to be opened in years to come as a remembrance of this night of laughs and fellowship.