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Listen Up: Red Wine extract protects against hearing loss & more!

Researchers at Delta Labs, a women's health and wellness company, have discovered that Resveratrol, an extract found in red wine, has properties help protect against a number of different health problems, including hearing loss. New studies have shown that by receiving Resveratrol, researchers were able to reduce the amount of hearing and cognitive decline caused by noise induced damage in their test animals. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in Resveratrol significantly reduced the levels of the protein cycloocygenase-2 (COX-2), which is increased by loud noises.

Recent studies have also found that Resveratrol can help treat a number of other disorders, including; Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Although not yet endorsed by the Federal Drug Administration as a treatment for any condition, it’s important to note that most research is still in their preliminary stages.

However, before you begin loading up on boxes of red wine or on Resveratrol supplements, it’s important to keep in mind that most research is still in their preliminary stages.  Click here to read more on Delta Lab's findings.

The health benefits of red wine don't stop there though, our friends at Wine Folly have more reasons why red wine will keep you young.

Red wine is full polyphenols inlcuding proanthocyanidin; a powerful antioxidant. In fact, some red wines have more antioxidants than commercial grape juice, raw blueberries and even miracle fruits like Açaí. In the fruit juice category, a full-bodied red wine will even beat pomengranate juice.

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