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Men vs Women: Why Wine?

There are many different reasons why people enjoy wine.  There are also many different reasons why people enjoy wine when they do.  But are there differences between male and female wine drinkers, and if so why?  A recent research study on wine, performed by the Institute of Masters of Wine, explores this issue more closely and the results are very interesting!

Though it is commonly assumed that men prefer red wine and women prefer white, studies show that actually both prefer red, with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot as the favorite varieties.  Another proven misconception is that though men may indeed purchase wine less often then women, they will spend an average of four dollars more on a bottle than the opposite sex!  Why would men choose to shell out more cash for a bottle of wine? The answer comes from the different factors men and women are motivated by when choosing to drink wine in the first place.  Women are motivated by social reasons while men are more focused on their personal gain.

(Women) “It is fun to be with friends and talk about the wine.” “It is a social thing.” “I like the whole culture around wine of conversation, friends and laughter.”

(Men): “I like considering the historical nature of wine.” “I like to collect wine.” “I think women like to enjoy wine with friends. Men use wine as a “show off factor. They often like to brag about it.“

Though both men and women were pretty much in agreement of the top occasions when they tend to drink wine (with meals at fine dining restaurants, non-meal: special occasions/celebrations, with meals at a friend's house, and non-meal: to socialize with friends), men show a much higher frequency of drinking wine alone.

The holidays are a perfect time for both men and women to take advantage of the holiday specials wineries are offering. Whether you are imbibing alone or in the company of family and friends, try new varietals and keep pouring, and learning something new about the wine and your palate each time!

Read more on the mentioned research study here