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No Time for Exercise? Red Wine to the Rescue!

We’ve all had those moments when our hectic schedule get overwhelming and we lose all time to exercise. Not exercising on a regular basis can lead to some serious future health risks such as diabetes, bone density lose, heart disease, and other problems. Good news though, if it’s been a few days since your last gym visit, there may be an alternative way to help slow down the health risks from not exercising: red wine.

Forbes reporter Alex Knapp mentions in “Didn’t Have Time to Exercise? Drink Some Red Wine” that a study published in the Journal of the American Societies for Experimental Biology suggests that resveratrol, a phenol that is found in red wine, may slow down the damage from not exercising.

“The control group showed a decrease in soleus muscle mass and strength, the development of insulin resistance, and a loss of bone mineral density and resistance to breakage. The group receiving resveratrol showed none of these complications. This study also suggests that resveratrol may be able to prevent the deleterious consequences of sedentary behaviors in humans.”

Though this medical study has not been performed on humans, the health benefits of resveratrol are noted.  So the next time a work out does not seem to fit into life's busy schedule, enjoy a glass of red wine with dinner and feel a little closer to your fitness goals.