This Year, Make a Resolution to Drink Wine for Your Health
Now is the time that everyone is making resolutions for the coming year. One of the most popular changes people hope to make is with regards to their health: more vegetables/less sweets, exercise more, no smoking, etc. A healthy lifestyle is important for all to have, especially to help reduce the risk of disease and illness, not to mention improve your mental outlook. However, some things are easier said than done! We all know how hard the temptation of foods are, and how hard it can be to motivate ourselves to keep a work out routine, thankfully though, studies prove that wine (which seems never hard to pour) comes with multiple health benefits of its own.
Food & Wine lists eight health benefits of drinking wine, including how it promotes longevity, reduces the risk of heart-attack & cuts the risk of colon cancer.
Health Magazine also notes six reasons why a glass of wine each day will do the body good, including how "studies find that people who drink wine daily have lower body mass…as alcohol may encourage your body to burn extra calories for as long as 90 minutes after you down a glass."
So this year, make your resolution to include drinking more wine…and cheers to your health!