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Winemaker Wisdom: Fall Harvest Underway

Experience has taught me that we always have hot weather around Labor Day. Though Labor Day came earlier than the last few years, this year was no different. Pinot Noir was moving along at a calm clip but this heat event encouraged it to hurry up. We started harvesting PN September 4 at Hyde Vineyard and finished September 9 at Stanly Ranch. We also harvested the first of our Chardonnay on September 4. Quantity was pretty much as expected and quality is very high. Signs are pointing to a quality repeat of last year but my current impression, based on taste and initial chemistries in PN and CH musts, is that sugar accumulation is ahead of flavor development. This could result in quality being just a tick below 2012. We are currently experiencing very nice mid 80's weather and on the horizon we see a continued, mild Indian Summer. This is just what we need to slow down sugar in Bordeaux red varieties and allow them to experience the hang time that will allow flavors to catch up.

As of mid-September Mira Winery is 28% through harvest. Highlights for the coming week include harvest for our first Bordeaux red, Petit Verdot, and our last Chardonnay while in the winery we wrap up Pinot Noir fermentations.

- Gustavo Gonzalez, Mira Winemaker

Watch Gustavo discuss Pinot Noir Clones 667 & Pomard Clone at vineyard partner Stanly Ranch: