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How We Celebrate Earth Day

On April 22nd, more than 1 billion people will show their appreciation for our planet in honor of Earth Day. While recycling your wine bottles is most definitely one way, we’d like to suggest simply drinking California’s own Mira wine in giving back to mother nature.

The vineyard partners who source our grapes uphold the highest standards in eco-friendly growing, beginning with the grape’s conception on the vine down to the packaging of the bottle. When choosing Mira wine you’re not only opting for a magical tasting experience, but you should feel great about making a friendly choice for our planet.

Protecting the environment is a priority for the California wine industry. As the 8th largest economy on the planet, the state makes an environmental policy that upholds the standard as the best in sustainable wine-production for years. As California vineyards, our vintners implement water conservation practices, including drip irrigation systems that use technology to sense soil moisture and monitor plant stress, thereby determining the precise level of water and timing of water applications.

Wine’s quality is subject to the right amount of sun, water, the soil’s harvest, and weather conditions that make up terroir. More sacred than the grape varietal grown on the vine, the earth’s water is such a precious element in making wine as it cultivates and fosters the organic terroir process. The earth’s soil must be properly nourished and vines, adequately hydrated, in order to grow the best grapes upon the peak of the summer season when the amount of received sunlight is just as much contingent on the grape’s success. Luckily for us, we have growers that are devoted to practicing sustainable and environmentally friendly processes to ensure the unrivaled quality of Mira wine.

Keeping in mind this process, economists warned of a global wine shortage late last year, which created uproar throughout the industry since wine growing is a process that cannot be hastened.

Although these predictions have been dispelled, demand for wine is still continuing to rise at a steady rate, which means increased production levels will require more sustainable growing methods from regions all around the world. This is especially true for regions in France, Italy and Chile, where wine production reached record levels in 2013. By choosing Mira wine, you’re setting a personal standard of quality from which all wine-growing regions will eventually be influenced.

We encourage you to read up a bit more on our eco-friendly vineyard partners:
•    Garvey Vineyard – Rutherford Bench/Home Ranch
•    Skellenger Vineyard – Oakville District
•    McGah Vineyard – Rutherford Appellation
•    Schweizer Vineyard – Stags Leap District
•    Garvey Vineyard – Napa Valley/Kairos
•    Hyde Vineyard – Carneros District
•    Stanley Ranch Vineyard – Carneros District